Hyogo Performing Arts Center Orchestra

Performance Schedule

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Jun 1, 2020

Special Message from Maestro Yutaka Sado

“Sumire no Hana Sakukoro Project” has become such entertaining video thanks to you.
In exchange of your participation, we would like to send the postcard with the handwritten autograph of Maestro Sado. Please email your name and address to [email protected].
For more detail, please check the summary of HPAC youtube channel or our official website.
We look forward to your emails and postings!

Watch the message: https://youtu.be/A00OpeF_ZDw

Apr 21, 2020


Message from Yutaka Sado

Hello, I’m Yutaka Sado, the Artistic Director of Hyogo Performing Arts Center.
This hall has been running as a “Theater For Everyone” for over 15 years.
Sadly, under this COVID-19 crisis, members of Hyogo Performing Arts Center Orchestra cannot even gather on the stage.
All the musicians including our orchestra members and myself are eager to reach you with music.
HPAC members performed individually from home following my conduct in the movie.
Please enjoy “When the Lilacs Bloom Again” (Wenn der weiße Flieder wieder blüht / Sumire no Hana Sakukoro).
Then I would really love to suggest you to play your parts together with us at home. Record a movie of your performance and send us your file!
You can hum, dance, or clap your hands. However you wish! It’s up to you.
After the performance, put your mask back on and give yourself and everyone a big applause!
We are going to add your video clips to this video and will upload new version, every now and then.
We wish the earliest possible ending of the epidemic.
And hope that HPAC is always be the “Theater For Everyone”.

Yutaka Sado                
Artistic Director                

Watch the video ⇒ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EgYUeh3yys
See how to post ⇒ https://www1.gcenter-hyogo.jp/news/2020/04/0421_SUMIRE%20Project.html

Sep 18, 2019


We are now accepting core member audition applications for the 2020-2021 season.
Please visit "Admissions" on our web site for details.

Aug 27, 2018


We are now accepting core member audition applications for the 2019-2020 season.
Please visit "Admissions" on our web site for details.

Aug 25, 2018


HPAC is very happy and proud to congratulate Patrick Williams (2014.9-2015.8)
on winning the Philadelphia Orchestra's Associate Principal Flute audition! Congratulations!

Nov 8, 2017


Trumpet position is newly available for core member audition for the 2018-2019 season.
Please visit "Admissions" on our web site for details.